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Spanish Language Schools in Spain and the Americas

Spanish Language Schools in Spain and the Americas
Are you looking for a place to study Spanish intensively abroad, perhaps looking for a total immersion course with native speakers? Or maybe you want to take a vacation in Mexico, and while enjoying the sights, learn enough Spanish to help you get by in your explorations. We have collected here a number of Spanish language schools of various levels of intensity in a variety of areas in Spain, Mexico, Latin American, and South America, to help you find the destination of your choice.

Buy the Platiquemos Spanish Course from the Digital Download Store and receive it today! This is the same content from the hardcopy editions, but with the text in PDF format and the audio in MP3 format.

We are now offering featured listings for language schools at a rate of $50 for 3 months or $145 for a year. The featured listings will be shown at the top of the school page for the appropriate geographic area, with additional space and written and graphic image content of your choosing, edited to fit in the space allotted. To get your listing, contact Ken Tomkins at

If you would like to submit a regular listing to include in these pages, just use our Foreign Language Schools Entry Form to send the information on your school program.

Schools in:   Spain |  Mexico |  Argentina |  Bolivia |  Chile |  Colombia |  Costa Rica |  Cuba |  Dominican Republic |  Ecuador |  El Salvador |  Guatemala |  Honduras |  Nicaragua |  Peru |  Venezuela

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