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Il Narratore Italian Literature on Tape

Il Narratore Italian Literature
Il Narratore tapes can improve your Italian language skills and teach you Italian culture. Each of the following titles are taken from Italian classics by artists such as Dante, Machiavelli, and Italo Calvino. All titles are available on compact disc or cassette. A full transcript is included for those who wish to read along. Wholesale discounts also available. Two series are available: Audio Anthology of Italian Literature, and Visions of the World.
Each title: $19.95 on cassette - $29.95 on CD
Discounted full sets are also available.

Audio Anthology of Italian Literature:

Recording #1: 13th Century Literature and Dante Alighieri
Recording #2: "Il Canzoniere" of Francesco Petrarca
Recording #3: Giovanni Boccaccio from "Decameron" (selected tales) read
Recording #4: Nicolò Machiavelli: "Il Principe" (selected chapters)
Recording #5: The Epic Poems of the Renaissance
Recording #6: Philosophy and Science in the 17th and 18th Century
Recording #7: Ugo Foscolo: "Dei Sepolcri" and "Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis" (abridged)
Recording #8: Giacomo Leopardi
Recording #9: The Realism of Giovanni Verga
Recording #10: Italo Svevo: from "Racconti"
Recording #11: Luigi Pirandello: from "Novelle"
Recording #12: Gabriele D'Annunzio: from "Terra Vergine"
Recording #13: Italo Calvino: "Le citta' invisibili"


Individual Title with script
$19.95 Cassette
$29.95 Compact Disc

Full Set of Italian Audio Anthology (all 13 titles with scripts)
Compact Disc