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Audio Anthology of Italian Literature

Audio Anthology of Italian Literature
Recording #11
Luigi Pirandello: from "Novelle"
Read by Moro Silo and Stefania Pimazzoni
Running time: 51 min.

The works of Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) (Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934) originated on the fringes of Realism but soon took on their own identity by their bitter and paradoxically ironic view of life. Pirandello focussed on the individual, his anxieties and his desperate attempts to live, to be someone, which always go unsatisfied and finish in bizarre, often insane gestures. In an indecipherable universe all appears relative, including the individual, whose discovery of this emptiness and the insignificance of existence is at the heart of Pirandello's novels ("Uno, Nessuno, Centomila"; "Il fu Mattia Pascal") and his plays ("Sei Personaggi in cerca d'Autore", "Enrico IV", "CosĄ Š, se vi pare").

Pallino e Mimì (28'34'')
La Carriola ( 22'02'')


Package includes audio and script: