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Audio Anthology of Italian Literature

Audio Anthology of Italian Literature
Recording #3
Giovanni Boccaccio from "Decameron" (selected tales)
Read by Moro Silo
Running time: 60 min.

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) can be ranked alongside Dante and Petrarca as one of the three great Italian literary figures of the 14th century who were also prominent on the European Scene. He can be distinguished from them, however by his greater concentration on earthly themes and subjects and his relative disinterest in moral, religious, theological and political issues. Boccaccio's greatest work is "The Decameron", a collection of 100 tales linked in a narrative framework, where he masterfully portrays different characters and their various passions, thus creating a vivacious image of life in all its many facets.

Giornata Quinta - Novella Nona - Federigo degli Alberighi (15'26'')
Giornata Sesta - Novella Decima - Fra' Cipolla (first part) (10'10'')
Giornata Sesta - Novella Decima - Fra' Cipolla (second part) ( 10'26'')
Giornata Ottava - Novella Terza - Calandrino e l'elitropia (19'10')


Package includes audio and script: