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Audio Anthology of Italian Literature

Audio Anthology of Italian Literature
Recording #8
Giacomo Leopardi: "La Ginestra"-"Dialogo della Natura e di un islandese" - "L'infinito"- " Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell'Asia"
Read by Moro Silo
Running time: 45 min.

Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) was one of the great Italian poets of the 19th century for the depth of his thought, his acute understanding of psychology and the power of his poetic expression. Leopardi's characteristic existential anguish reflects the general European spiritual and philosophical crisis that marked the end of the Enlightenment and the rise of Romanticism. The skeptical concepts of 18th-century rationalism could not preclude Romantic angst about the infinite, the eternal, a reason for life beyond ennui, universal sorrow and inevitable death. Leopardi's lyrical poems sing of illusion, love, beauty and the noble human emotions as a comfort against the agonizing process of living and an affirmation of Man's inherent dignity.

Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell'Asia (7'39'')
Ginestra (15'43'')
L'infinito (1'06'')
From " Operette Morali": ODialogo della Natura e di un Islandese (17'38'')


Package includes audio and script: