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Audio Anthology of Italian Literature

Audio Anthology of Italian Literature
Recording #13
Italo Calvino: "Le citta' invisibili" (Selected chapters)
Read by Moro Silo
Running time: 60 min.

Amongst the many successful writers to emerge in the last few decades, Italo Calvino (1923-…..)deserves particular mention. . Born in Cuba, he grew up in San Remo, Italy, and began as a writer of realistic political works set in the upheaval of postwar Italy. However, he found his voice as a storyteller, taking simple conceits and spinning them into fantastic tales, and exploring the boundaries of narrative in all its forms. Invisible Cities is as magical a construction of words. The novel is like a series of luminous paintings that narrate an unknow mythology; each small scene the author draws absorbs one's imagination until the mind seeps completely into his creation.

Kublai e Polo (first) (2'01'')
Anastasia (1'47'')
Tamara ( 3'10'')
Despina (2'04'')
Isaura (1'33'')
Maurilia (2'08'')
Zenobia (1'47'')
Kublai e Polo (second) ( 2'34'')
Armilla (2'24'')
Cloe (2'05'')
Valdrada (2'13'')
Kublai e Polo (third) ( 2'47'')
Olivia (2'22'')
Ottavia (1'17'')
Leandra (2'55'')
Kublai e Polo (fifth) (2'19'')
Eusapia ( 2'57'')
Leonia (4'06'')
Kublai e Polo (sixth) (7'43'')
Cecilia (2'36'')
Pentesilea (3'17'')
Kublai e Polo (seventh) (2'33'')


Package includes audio and script: