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French Language Podcasts

Podcasts From All Over The World!
Podcasts have become overwhelmingly popular in the last few years, and more and more audio and video content has been been uploaded to the Internet. There are now numerous podcasts in foreign languages other than English, which gives the language learner more opportunities to hone their knowledge of languages, by listening to podcasts in the form of audio blogs, archived radio programs, free language lessons, and other format. We are here listing a number of podcasts as RSS/XML feeds listed in a page. With the magic of RSS- and XML-based feeds, it is easier than ever for people to share their information with the world. If you have any questions or can't find what you need, please e-mail us at .

French Podcasts | Foreign Podcasts Main page

  French Language Podcasts

+2 VJ Podcast
Alliance Francaise de Brisbane's Podcast  (News) - Espace Livres  (Arts/Music)
Anatomy Podcast - Baladodiffusion d'Anatomie  (Medical/Anatomy)
Audio Guide de Paris gratuit  (Travel)
Bernard Mabille juste en vidéo  (Comedy)
Canal Académie - Nouveautés  (Literature/Ideas)
Coach Fu: Everything Coaching In French
Comme ca du Japon  (Travel in Japan)
Les Contrebandierséditeurs  (Literature/Arts)
Culture Pod, la Podcasting Attitude:  (Literature/Culture)   MP4 video format | MOV video format
DailyFrenchPod (All Levels)  (Educational)
DailyFrenchPod (Beginning)  (Educational)
DailyFrenchPod (Intermediate)  (Educational)
DailyFrenchPod (Advanced)  (Educational)
DailyFrenchPod (Video)  (Educational)
Direction Informatique - Version Baladodiffusion  (News)
Easy French Poetry Podcast  (Literature)
Espace Francophone - French Radio Programming  (News/Culture)
Europocket TV - Nouvelles quotidiennes  (News)
France Podcast
French For Beginners  (Education)
The French Pod Class  (Education)
Frequence Terre  (Environmentalism)
i>TELE, le journal  (Newscast video)
Kikichante  (Music Show)
Learn French by Podcast  (Education)
Lille Podcast   (Education)
LMDMF Podcast  (Arts)
Oh La Radio!  (Humor)
Ouvrez vos oreilles
Podcast Français Facile  (Education)
Le Podcasteur : Pom4 (FR)
Radio-Canada:  (News)   La Première à la carte | Les bulletins de nouvelles nationaux | Indicatif présent | Ici vos correspondants | Christiane Charette | Le carnet techno | Les années lumière | La semaine verte | Le sport autrement
Radio France Podcast Directory  (News)
Radio France Inter - Allo la planète  (News)
RFI:   Le journal Afrique | Le Journal en Français Facile  (News)
Studio Saleve : Quoi de neuf Docteur  (Medical)
SBS French  (News)
Snobs, aptes et pas bons
Vpod videos of user Fdmai
Yarrow  (Family Blog)