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  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!


Contemporary Spoken Persian
Mehdi Marashi, University of California at Berkeley
This course in modern spoken Persian offers recordings by native speakers and emphasizes practical everyday language. Lesson units include dialogs, vocabulary, and in some instances, self-tests. Attention is given in special drills to Persian sounds that can cause difficulty for speakers of English. The text is entirely in transcription; Persian script is not introduced. A key to the exercises and self-tests, and an English-Persian glossary are included in the appendix. Course One contains 8 CDs (60 min. each) and a 136 page text; Course Two contains 8 CDs (60 min. each) and a 119 page text.
Contemporary Spoken Persian 1
Contemporary Spoken Persian 2

An Introduction to Persian Complete Course
Wheeler M. Thackston
This book and cassette package is intended to serve as an introduction on the elementary level to the modern Persian language. Each of the 25 lessons is provided with specific exercises and drills for the major grammatical and syntactical points introduced therein. Vocabulary is included at the end of each lesson with the intention of active acquisition; specialized supplementary vocabulary lists are also scattered throughout the book. In Part Two of the grammar, the outstanding differences between modern and classical usage are given; in Part Three the distinguishing features of ordinary colloquial Persian described. A set of nine 60 minute audio cassettes for aid in learning pronunciation come with the package; the voice is that of former Iran radio announcer Parviz Bahador. The author is Wheeler M. Thackston, Professor of the Practice of Persian and other Near East languages at Harvard University, where he has taught Persian and Arabic for over twenty years.
"... students, frustrated by not being taught formal structures, long for a grammar book that brings together in one place paradigms and rules for how the language works instead of being faced with endless patterns for oral drill. This is why W.M. Thackston's An Introduction to Persian should be welcomed by students and teachers alike, since it amply fulfills this need."
William L. Hanaway, University of Pennsylvania (British Journal of Middle East Studies)

Persian Vocabulary Acquisition
Michael Craig Hillmann
Divided into four parts: (1) European Vocabulary in Persian, (2) Native Persian Word Forms and Word-Formation Techniques, (3) The Arabic Element in Persian, and (4) Texts, this book aims to help intermediate and advanced students of Persian improve their language skills by expanding their vocabulary, the key element in communicative competence in any language. The book reviews prefixes, suffixes, verb and other forms used in compound words, and Arabic root and derived word patterns, and practices vocabulary recognition in the context of authentic texts. Comes with 2 audio CDs. 2002, 308 pages, hardbound.
With 2 audio CDs

Colloquial Persian
Leila Moshiri
The country is Iran, its people are Iranians, but the language is Persian, also known as Farsi. It is an Indo-European language and as such it is related to the languages of Western Europe. It is also spoken by around 5 million people in Afghanistan, where it is known as Dari. Colloquial Persian features dialogues of everyday encounters and situations, exercises for regular practice, a pronunciation guide, clear, concise grammar notes, lists of useful vocabulary, a two-way glossary section of key words and phrases, audio material to enhance pronunciation and listening skills, and an author introduction to the course. Two CDs and a book are included.

Tintin DVDs in Persian
Now watch Tintin and his dog Snowy on DVDs, as they ski through the Himalayas, visit opium dens in Hong Kong, explore ancient Aztec temples, and more. Captain Haddock and the blundering Mr. Dupont and the equally blundering Mr. Dupond join Tintin in these exciting detective adventures.
Tintin Persian DVD Boxset: all 15
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