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  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!


Persian Vocabulary
A. Lambton
This work, a companion to Professor Lambton's Persian Grammar, is intended mainly for the student of contemporary Persian; however, it will also be a useful handbook for those who wish to read classical Persian literature. The Persian-English and English-Persian sections contain a wide range of the more common words and phrases. Contents: Notes on transcription; Persian-English vocabulary; English-Persian vocabulary. 1988, paperback, 394pp.
"This vocabulary, though originally designed as a companion volume to Dr Lambton' Persian Grammar, is in fact an independent work. Its Persian-English and English-Persian sections are complementary and represent a practical, concise record of modern Persian vocabulary such as can be found nowhere else at the present time." - British Book News

Persian Vocabulary Acquisition
Michael Craig Hillmann
Divided into four parts: (1) European Vocabulary in Persian, (2) Native Persian Word Forms and Word-Formation Techniques, (3) The Arabic Element in Persian, and (4) Texts, this book aims to help intermediate and advanced students of Persian improve their language skills by expanding their vocabulary, the key element in communicative competence in any language. The book reviews prefixes, suffixes, verb and other forms used in compound words, and Arabic root and derived word patterns, and practices vocabulary recognition in the context of authentic texts. With audio recordings of the articles read by a native speaker. 2002, 308 pages, hardbound.
Book and 2 CDs

Mo'in': An Intermediate Persian Dictionary (6 Volumes)
This exhaustive set of dictionaries weighs in at six volumes and over 7,500 pages, including Vocabulary, Foreign Compound Expressions, and The Encyclopedia of Proper Names, and is appropriate for those well-established in the language. 1994, hardcover, 7635pp.

Persian-English Standard Dictionary
S. Haim
This comprehensive dictionary defines over 30,000 words and idioms in 22,500 entries. Hints on pronunciation and transliteration of Persian are clearly detailed. Modern Persian is spoken by more than 30 million people in Iran and 5 million people in Afghanistan. In Iran, the language is referred to as Farsi, in Afghanistan as Dari. Paperback; 736 pages; 5 1/2 x 8 1/2.

English-Persian Standard Dictionary
S. Haim
A companion volume of the Persian-English Standard Dictionary, this comprehensive dictionary defines approximately 40,000 of the most common and essential English words and idioms. Paperback; 700 pages; 5 1/2 x 8 1/2.

Persian-English English-Persian Biotechnology Glossary
Ali Akbar Pejman Aryan, Ramin Sarraf
The purpose of this glossary is to assist reserachers to read and translate biotechnology works in Persian and English. This glossary is presented in two separate sections: Persian-English with 11,000+ entries, and English-Persian with 7,000+ entries. 2006, 300 pages, softbound.