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Law, Business and Economics

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Dictionnaire Économique et Juridique, Français-Anglais, Anglais-Français
Jean Baleyte et al.
This is an indispensable tool for academics as well as lawyers, solicitors, chartered accountants and business consultants.

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The Oxford French Business Dictionary
Marianne Chalmers and Martine Pierquin
This is an ideal dictionary for students taking French in combination with a business qualification at college or for anyone doing business in the French-speaking world.

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Harrap's French-English/English-French Business Dictionary
This new edition of Harrap's French Dictionary covers everyday business language, as well as the more technical language of, for example, finance, insurance, computing, marketing and the stock exchange. Examples are included throughout to show the language in use.

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Harrap's French-English/English-French Business Management Dictionary
This is an up to date glossaries of the key terms used in business management, covering areas as diverse as corporate planning, IT and marketing.