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Free Swedish Lessons and Courses

Free Swedish Lessons and Courses
We have gathered together here a number of free Swedish language lessons and language courses for those learning Swedish, along with some other Swedish language resources, such as Swedish online courses and exercises, podcasts, video lessons, alphabets, dictionaries, lexicons, verb conjugations, language communities, newspapers, articles, and books. Most of these sites will be in English, although a number are multilingual in nature.

  Video Lessons

Simple Swedish
A series of 15 Youtube videos teaching Swedish.
Video lessons in Swedish, free but requires registration.
Girls4Teaching: Swedish
7 video lessons for Swedish
Swedish with Steve!
27 Youtube videos from Stephen Maconi,

  Courses and Exercises

ielanguages Swedish
Swedish Tutorials Index: basic phrases, vocabulary and grammar in 3 levels with 58 tutorials.
Wikibooks Swedish Course
Introduction to Swedish with basic vocabulary.
Lessons: Swedish - English
Word vocabulary lists with audio pronunciations and English translations, with 44 categories.
Free Swedish Language Course and Lessons Online
"If you have decided to learn to speak Swedish, this is the place to start. You will be introduced to the most common phrases used in the Swedish language. All lessons in Swedish are free of charge. I recommend you to start with the beginners lessons "
A Swedish Language Course
"This course was designed for beginners and no previous knowledge of Swedish is assumed. However, the lessons may also be helpful for those people who have had previous experience and would like to improve their grammar or just simply practice or brush up."
Björn Engdahl's Swedish Course
Online course in Swedish with a Swedish pronunciation guide, 7 lessons, a coverage of irregular verbs, and a final exam, with versions of the course in Spanish, German, French, Greek, Dutch, Polish and Russian.
Swedish - a brief presentation
Introduction to Swedish by Urban Sikeborg, Stockholm, written for his course Communicating in Swedish, designed and conducted for the international students at Stockholm School of Economics 1995-1998. With 1 How to introduce yourself; 2 Greetings and goodbyes; 3 Things in general and particular; 4 Even more things; 5 What is yours like?; 6 To compare and to be compared; 7 Doing and being; 8 Questions and statements (to be completed); 9 A guide to pronunciation.
Get Started in Swedish
"This beginner's course is mainly for the exchange students at the University of Stockholm - the texts are to a certain extent about student life -but anyone who wants to learn Swedish is welcome to use the material." With Introduction; The Lessons; Functions; Texts; Grammar; Exercises; Pronunciation; Basic Unit; "Poems"; Links.
Grim - a language learning environment for writers of Swedish
Grim is a language learning environment with several important tools for language exploration. The main ideas are to give the learners feedback on form, and to provide the learners with powerful tools for language exploration of their interlanguage and the target language Swedish. Important tools in Grim are: The grammar checker Granska, surface syntactic analysis with the parser GTA, word inflection, the dictionary Lexin, and concordances in the Parole corpus.
Speak Swedish
Introduction to Swedish with common phrases and vocabulary.

  Grammars and Exercises

IGLO Swedish Grammar
Comprehensive online grammar in HTML format.
Swedish Grammar
This grammar was written by Leif Stensson, and is a part of the Language and Linguistics pages at the academic computer society Lysator at Linkoeping University in Sweden. TOC: Alphabet and Pronunciation (below), Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Numbers, Pronouns, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, etc, Syntax; Appendices: I. Noun gender, II. Some two-part verbs.
Verbix Swedish Conjugation Engine
Conjugate a Swedish verb on line...
Swedish > English Quizzes
200 tests in translating Swedish phrases to English.
English > Swedish Quizzes
200 tests in translating English phrases to Swedish.
How to learn Swedish in 1000 difficult lessons
Francis Strand is a 48-year-old American magazine editor living in Stockholm writing a diary about the hard way to learn Swedish.
Links about Swedish and Sweden for you who understand English
A large number of links for language learners, and travelers and tourists in Sweden.

  Language Communities

Polyglot is a non-profit community dedicated to language exchange. Polyglot allows you to find the right person ready to exchange languages with you. You will search for penpals according to age, gender, location, hobbies, etc. Polyglot is fully customizable. You will choose your own icons, styles or post your own Polyglot translations, so that more people speaking your language can become a member.
Speak Any Language Online Community is a web-based, global community dedicated to making the world a smaller place through understanding of languages and cultures. Our Forums area gives each of our users the opportunity to communicate with each other. Our Chat area gives everyone the opportunity practice speaking in the languages of their choice. Best of all, the services on these pages are free.
UniLang Community
The main purpose of the UniLang Community is to provide an online site where people interested in languages can unite, openly discuss, and find resources related to language(s), linguistics and translations. We are an open non-profit organization, meaning that everything on our site is publicly accessible at no cost, and membership is also free and open for everybody. All data, unless otherwise stated, is licensed under an open licence, the UniLang Public License, as opposed to a restrictive copyright.
OmniGlot: Swedish
Swedish characters and other resources.

  Other Swedish Resources

Swedish Dictionaries Online
Links to online dictionaries in Swedish from all over the world, including monolingual online dictionaries, bilingual online dictionaries, online technical and specialty dictionaries, and online translation engines and hyper-dictionaries.
Swedish Internet Radio and Online News Radio
Large directory of internet radio programs with conversation and music in a number of different audio formats.
Swedish Online TV
Large directory of internet tv programs with programs and shows in a number of different video formats.
Swedish Newspapers Online
Directory of online Swedish newspapers.