The Picture Series
Illustrations and visuals always make it easy to teach, and learn! This six binder series features the following texts: Picture Verbs, Picture Vocabulary, Picture Grammar, Picture Everyday Life, Picture Family and Picture Work. They cover a number of skills, including vocabulary, irregular verbs, grammar, work procedures, family life, and daily activities. Included are teacher's notes and methodology, follow up activities, lesson extensions assessments, and more. Photocopiable, Classroom Use, All Levels, Age: Adults.
Road To Citizenship - Multimedia Training for U.S. Citizenship
Road to Citizenship will teach you all you need to know to become a U.S. citizen! The Road to Citizenship package consists of a 96-page workbook and a multimedia CD-ROM. Both the workbook and CD-ROM cover the same material in the same order, and so reinforce each other. While the workbook is convenient and can be used anywhere, the CD-ROM offers a number of unique advantages that set the package apart from other citizenship materials (i.e., workbooks, audio tapes, etc.). It is easy to use - you can listen to every word that appears on the screen, and unlike audio/video tapes, replay them with only a single mouse click. As you practice your English skills, your computer is your patient tutor. And you can take sample history and citizenship tests, as many times as you wish. Road to Citizenship is your personal teacher, and is the perfect choice for your journey on your road to citizenship! Road to Citizenship comes in two versions: a single-user version for individuals, which sells for $129, and a classroom version designed for adult education centers, libraries, schools and colleges, which contains a student management system, network installation and five (5) CDs for student use, for $495. System Requirements: Win95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP; 32 MB RAM; 10 MB of free hard disk space; CD ROM drive, sound card and microphone (optional).
Teaching Systems Grammar Module 6 Pack
Teaching Systems Grammar Module 6 Pack is a state standards, curriculum based, complete lesson course in a box designed to capture your student's attention. It includes DVD video content, a teacher's guide, quizzes, handouts, and classroom materials.
Cerebellum presents the students of American English Grammar with a complete course that covers the subject from first definitions to fairly complicated sentence structures. This sometimes tedious subject is presented with good humour and numerous examples. Classroom handouts and activities reinforce the lessons in a fun, interactive manner that encourages lesson retention. This series will walk your students through the rules of grammar by explaining proper verb tense, nouns, phrases, participles and more, as well as illustrate common errors such as dangling prepositions, run-on sentences and faulty parallels. The modules begin with the basics: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions. Then the subject presentation progresses through sentence structure, agreement between subjects and verbs and common grammar mistakes. Examples of sentence constructions, while not wrong are not preferred, are given to finish the subject. Content includes: 6 DVD Videos - high quality, attention grabbing video presentation of all 6 modules in the series; CD-ROM - 6 modules of teacher's guides, quizzes, handouts, and classroom materials. The Modules are: Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives; All About the Verb; Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions; Examining the Sentence; Agreeing with Grammar; Grammar Follies.
Teaching Systems Vocabulary Super Pack
Teaching Systems Vocab is a unique and innovative tool that uses short video skits to give students a real-world representation of the meaning of a word in a way they can relate to and understand. With recurring characters and ongoing plots, this program provides an engaging and effective learning experience to students. This program shows students what the words mean, instead of just telling them! Cerebellum programs are entertaining and educational learning supplements that have been recommended by thousands of teachers, administrators, librarians, and professionals. Cerebellum has been a leader in the Educational DVD market since 1993, producing over 1,000 hours of educational media. As a winner of 20 Telly Awards – one of the most sought after awards in the TV, commercial and video industry – Cerebellum has received much critical acclaim for our innovative approach to learning. Modules in the Vocabulary Series: 1 Stranded!; 2 Artists & Rumor Chick; 3 Two’s Company; 4 Johnny Hightower & The Speed Walkers; 5 Mad Scientists & Study Partner; 6 Imaginary Larry; 7 Shall We Dance?
Standard Deviants English Composition 4 Pack
Standard Deviants School is an educational and entertaining, lesson-based learning supplement based on the award-winning Standard Deviants teaching style. Each program includes full classroom performance rights. Standard Deviants School will capture your students’ attention and make your lectures come alive! Grab a pen, paper, and a seat because the Standard Deviants will start you off down the road of writing. Get ready to witness bold ideas, extreme penmanship and some handy-dandy advice on how to write the perfect English paper. Learn to free write your topics, wow your audience, and get that all-important feedback you need to write a grade-A paper. Learn how to knock your reader’s socks off with cool openers that grab them from line one. Then check out the subtle connecting power of transitions, and a discussion on revising and rewriting. Programs in this series: 1. Enter the Writer- Get ready to witness bold ideas, extreme penmanship and some handy-dandy advice on how to write the perfect English paper as the Standard Deviants start you off on the writing process; 2. Free writing- The Standard Deviants show you how to get started on your paper with two simple steps: defining the task and clarifying the assignment. Learn to free write your topics, wow your audience, and get the feedback you need to write a grade-A paper; 3. Researching & Rough Draft- Go to the library, search cyberspace, and conduct surveys as the Standard Deviants gather the information needed to write a top-notch paper. Then we'll build the backbone of your ideas: the outline. These steps will lead you to your next challenge, the part that separates the writers from the scribblers: the rough draft; 4. From First Line to Last Draft- The Standard Deviants go back to the beginning - the beginning of your paper. Learn how to knock your reader's socks off with cool openers that grab them from the very first line! Check out the subtle connecting power of transitions! We'll wrap it up with a discussion of the necessities of revising and rewriting.
VAI: The Complete Upgrade Your Writing Series on DVD
Finally, an easy-to-use resource that helps everyday students dramatically upgrade their everyday writing! Video Aided Instruction's brand new Upgrade Your Writing DVD series is like a virtual writing clinic on DVD. The 10 programs in the Upgrade Your Writing Series are: Prewriting; Organizing Your Thoughts; Overcoming Writer's Block; Crafting Sentences; Building Paragraphs; Connections & Transitions; Introductions & Conclusions; Expressing Yourself Creatively; Improving Your Vocabulary; and Avoiding Common Mistakes. These help middle school students through adults (especially challenged learners requiring remediation) to express themselves more effectively; improve their command of grammar, usage, and mechanics; meet (and exceed) the requirements of their assignments; focus on their purpose and their audience; and develop a writing style that's smooth, engaging, and truly their own! With these unique programs, viewers will master the tricks of brainstorming and getting ideas down on paper; turning a jumble of ideas into a structured outline; beating procrastination and treating "blinking cursor syndrome"; writing sentences that are varied, interesting, and grammatically correct; constructing paragraphs that hang together cohesively and are divided logically; guiding the reader gracefully from each point to the next; writing captivating introductions and compelling conclusions; excelling in poetry, short stories, and other creative writing assignments; learning new words by using roots, prefixes, suffixes, context clues, word cards, etc.; avoiding errors in spelling, punctuation, agreement, word choice, and other areas and much, much more! 10 volumes on 10 DVDs approx. 13 hrs. total.
VAI: Miller Analogies Test Review DVDs
Required for admission to many graduate school programs, the Miller Analogies Test is quite possibly the most unusual and challenging exam you'll ever take. The MAT is like a fast-paced quiz that tests your higher-level thinking skills and problem-solving abilities; it demands an extensive vocabulary, keen powers of logic, and wide-ranging knowledge in such diverse fields as history, math, science, art, music, and literature. This interactive course from Video Aided Instruction is your key to success on this daunting exam! With this review, it's easier than ever to master the demanding content, format, and style of the MAT. An expert instructor guides you step-by-step through over 100 sample questions just like those found on the actual test. You'll analyze the logic underlying each analogy, learn to quickly recognize the right answers, and master foolproof techniques for cracking the toughest analogies. 3 DVDs with 5 hrs. 15 mins. of material.
VAI: SAT Subject Test DVDs: Literature
Here, a college English professor and bestselling author provides easy-to-follow solutions to real SAT-type questions as she presents thorough analyses of the kinds of poetry, prose, and drama typically found on the SAT Subject Test in Literature. She shows viewers how to make sense of dense reading selections that use even the most abstruse language; how to identify key elements such as character, conflict, setting, tone, and point of view; how to recognize and interpret themes, symbols, metaphors, figurative language, and other literary devices; and much more. After viewing this program, students will be able to make the best use of their time and earn every point they can on the exam. 3 DVDs with approx. 3 hrs. 45 mins. of material.