Lingosmart Office
Do you want to do business abroad? Do you already have international business connections? Lingosmart Office creates your foreign business correspondence quickly and easily without help from the outside, fast, automatically, and with style, and with great savings in time and cost. Lingosmart Office solves translation problems by using a simple yet ingenious approach. You create your letter, fax or email in your native language choosing desired phrases from up to 15,000 sentences from most business areas. With a simple mouse-click it converts it into a perfectly formulated document in your target language. Unlike traditional translation programs, Lingosmart Office does not require manual editing as it does not translate word-for-word, but cleverly pulls from a database of equivalent phrases to express the exact meaning in the target language. Available in American English and British English with the following languages: Czech, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
The Rosetta Stone CD-ROM ESL Course
The Rosetta Stone ESL course is the premier foreign language learning system on CD-ROM. The course is equivalent to one year of college study and teaches reading, writing, vocabulary building, listening comprehension, conversational skills, and pronunciation practice. This course may render traditional means of language training obsolete. Version 3 now comes with Audio Companions, CD and MP3 audio recordings that supplement the Rosetta Stone method and can be used at home, in your car, and on the go! Rosetta Stone comes in the Personal Edition, which is great for the independent student, and the Homeschool Edition, intended for parents who want to educate their children and follow their progress. Great for school or home study. Shipping weight 3 lbs.
Pronunciation Power
Pronunciation Power is a great CD-ROM tool for both Windows and Macintosh that teaches proper pronunciation of all 52 American English sounds. This program is designed by ESL language professionals and is very thorough. It even reinforces the learning through interactive drills and many helpful exercises. Plus, it has QuickTime movies to illustrate proper tongue and lip position. This program is highly recommended for any ESL language lab or home use. Many ESL students complain that the hardest part about learning English is pronunciation. Most students of English spend hundreds of hours learning grammar and vocabulary but cannot be understood when the time comes to communicate with real Americans. In America, as in other cultures, poor pronunciation can be confused with ignorance and will often result in less than desired results in business and social situations. Pronunciation Power comes in packages for two levels: Pronunciation Power 1 is aimed at those at an intermediate to beginning level, and comes with the 8-in-1 English Dictionary. Pronunciation Power 2 is for those at an intermediate to advanced level. Don't be a victim of bad pronunciation! Pronunciation Power teaches you all 52 American English sounds and gives you multiple drills on each one! It's really like having a personal tutor on a CD-ROM!
EuroTalk Gift Set for English
Originally $149, now on sale for $125!
EuroTalk's Gift Set of four CD ROMs and a DVD-ROM will help you to learn a language step-by-step. From complete beginners through to intermediate learners, there is a disc for everyone. By listening and talking to native speakers in real life situations, these discs makes learning easy. Start with
Vocabulary Builder, aimed at children and their families, using cartoon characters to make learning fun. Talk Now is ideal for beginners to build confidence in listening to and speaking a foreign language. Talk More for beginners helps to increase your language skills and prepare yourself for the next level with the latest interactive techniques and broadcast quality video. World Talk is for intermediates, and works to improve listening and speaking skills and build on fluency. Finally, Movie Talk is a DVD-ROM using popular television series available for English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian - all other complete sets include a Talk More extras disc including the 'Where on Earth' geography game instead. Available for Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.
Movie Talk Advanced Language DVDs for English
Combining the power of the movies and DVD-ROM technology, EuroTalk brings you an exciting language learning package that really works! Super sleuth sex-symbol, Inspector Morse (John Thaw of Kavanagh C.Q., The Sweeney) has an ear for music, a taste for beer and a nose for crime. He sets out with Sergeant Lewis (Kevin Whately of Peak Practice) to solve yet another exciting case. Based on 'Sins of the Fathers', an episode of the hugely popular British detective series, Inspector Morse, this unique language learning package lets you enter the world of movies and absorb English as it's spoken. Watch full-screen video and play games and exercises that make you remember what you've seen and learnt. Search for any word used in the script, or compete in a quick-fire TV Quiz; star in a murder mystery by joining in the action and recording your voice into the movie. Windows and Macintosh DVD-ROM.
Talk Now! CD-ROM Course for ESL
The Talk Now! series is for any language beginner who wants an entertaining self-study course to learn basic phrases, such as colors, numbers, food, shopping, and time. We have been selling this European-produced CD-ROM for a few years and find that it is highly praised by people from all over the world. Designed by language experts, Talk Now! includes great features like speak and repeat, interactive games, and digital recordings with native speakers. Interactive and fun, it is ideal for beginners and travelers. Test your knowledge with easy and hard quizzes and play a challenging memory game. Monitor your progress: keep your total score and print your own awards. You can also print your own picture dictionary for handy reference. On-screen help is available at all times in over 50 languages. Talk Now! runs on both Macintosh and Windows computers. Shipping weight 1 lb.
World Talk from EuroTalk for English
( for intermediate learners)
World Talk is the perfect follow-up to EuroTalk's popular Talk Now! series. As well as having new activities, there is also dictation, worksheets and a brand new recording section. Topics covered include: the calendar, sentence building, asking directions, the weather and numbers. The interactive TV Quiz is a definite hit, where the resident champion may turn out to be more intelligent than he looks. You can also compete in a one-to-one match with a friend! World Talk is now available for learning Afrikaans, Arabic, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, American English, British English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Welsh. Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM.
Talk The Talk from Eurotalk for English
( for teens)
Learn words and phrases that matter to you with this new language learning CD ROM for youth under eighteen. From "I'll send you a text message later" to "we won the game on penalties", Talk The Talk really gets you talking. Aimed at people who are beginning to get to grips with a new language or preparing for school exams, it gives you more than 200 phrases in your chosen language. Special features include a wide range of topics including travelling, computers and technology, sport, hobbies and school; words spoken by native speakers so you can repeat and learn; quizzes that test your knowledge; the chance to record your pronunciation, compare it to your 'teacher's'' - and then award yourself marks for ability; 3 levels of awards to achieve; automatic localisation - lets you choose the language you learn from; and a printable phrasebook of what you've learnt. More than ten million people worldwide have already learnt a language with EuroTalk. EuroTalk gets results fast and is fun!
Talk More! CD-ROM Course for ESL
Talk More! continues the Talk Now! series using broadcast quality video and the latest interactive techniques in a software package that is ideal for travellers, holiday makers, business people, students and families. The software uses the familiar Eurotalk interactive style of learning, with topics such as The Alphabet, Greetings, At The Restaurant, Shopping, Getting Around, At The Hotel, One The Phone, Emergencies, Leisure, and Business, and modules on phrases and conversations, and entertaining quiz games to test and further learn the language. Help is available in over 25 languages and the package includes an Talk More! Extras disc with additional help languages and bonus material. Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM.
Talk Business for English
If you want to succeed in business abroad, then this Talk Business CD-ROM is for you. Aimed at people who already know the basics, it gives the specialised language you need for doing business abroad. It focuses on must-know language ranges from basics like 'what is your website address?' to more advanced discussion of exchange rates, product guarantees and marketing budgets. Special features include: a wide range of topics: business meetings, trading, IT, the internet, advertising, negotiations, banking and many more, words spoken by native speakers so you can repeat and learn., quizzes that test your knowledge, the chance to record your pronunciation, compare it to your 'teacher's' - and then award yourself marks for ability, three levels of awards to achieve, automatic localisation - lets you choose the language you learn from, a printable phrasebook of what you've learnt.
Vocabulary Builder from EuroTalk for English
( for absolute beginners)
Vocabulary Builder is an interactive flash card system for parents and teachers to help teach basic language, and for children to play games and record their own words and sentences. Help is provided in over 40 languages by a talented talking tiger! Now available for learning Albanian, Arabic, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh. Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM.
Il Nuovo Inglese Senza Sforzo
Assimil Italian ESL Language Course
These comprehensive courses use "intuitive assimilation," a technique designed to teach in a natural manner, resulting in a firm grasp of the new language which can be used and built upon without effort or hesitation. Assimil courses include three or four CDs and a course book. Complete courses start under $100.