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Luganda Downloads
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Welcome to the Luganda downloads page, featuring downloads of books, courses, software, and video for learning Luganda! If you have any questions or can't find what you need, please e-mail us at .
Featured Download

Download of the FSI Luganda Basic Course
This is a Bantu Language spoken as a first or second language by most of the people of Uganda. It is closely related to its neighboring languages, Lunyoro and Runyankole. This course was undertaken at the suggestion of the Peace Corps, and takes into account the special needs of that agency. It is not a course in the usual sense, but a collection of materials, which can be useful in the interaction between teachers and learners. Detailed suggestions are provided for using these materials, but much still depends on the initiative of the student. This digital edition is the equivalent 11 audio CDs and a 345 pg. book, with MP3 audio and PDF text, all available for download.
Download of FSI Luganda Basic | $25 (was $49)!   

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