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Kituba Downloads
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Welcome to the Kituba downloads page, featuring downloads of books, courses, software, and video for learning Kituba! If you have any questions or can't find what you need, please e-mail us at .
Featured Download

Download of the FSI Kituba Basic Course
Also known as Kikongo ya Leta, and Mumukutuba, this language is a vehicular, or trade language spoken along the lower reaches of the Congo river and its tributaries, and there are no full-scale grammars or dictionaries of this seldom-studied language. This course is a brief introduction and is designed to be used with a Kituba-speaking instructor, although motivated students may make some progress using the text and accompanying tapes alone. This digital edition is the equivalent of 15 CDs and a 470 pg book, with MP3 audio and PDF text, all available for download.
Download FSI Kituba Basic | $25 (was $49)!   

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