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Tajik-English Dictionary
Jahangir Mamatov, S.J. Harrell, Kathy Kehoe, Karim Khodjibaev
This dictionary of 29,487 headwords is intended for native speakers of English who are translating written Tajik texts into English; it is based primarily on written, rather than spoken, Tajik. However, it can also be useful for Tajiks who are studying the English language. The headwords and the examples in the dictionary are based on a corpus drawn mainly from contemporary Tajik newspapers and transcribed interviews with native Tajik speakers. In all, the corpus contains approximately 600,000 words. 2005, 740 pages, hardbound.

Basic Tajik(i) Word List
Michael Craig Hillmann
Reading specialists calculate that foreign language learners need a vocabulary of at least 3,500 words to read natural language materials on general subjects. This book will help learners of Tajiki to reach reading competence through its carefully selected list of more than 5,000 lexical items and through other sections of the book, which highlight, reinforce, and promote practice using core vocabulary. Lexical items are given in Cyrillic alphabetical order, along with Perso-Arabic transcriptions and English equivalents. 2003, 264 pages, hardbound.

Dictionary of Central Asian Islamic Terms
Allen Frank, Jahangir Mamatov
This specialized dictionary defines some 2,300 Islamic terms as they are attested in each of the following nine Central Asian languages: Bashkir, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Tatar, Turkmen, Uyghur, and Uzbek. The terms relate specifically to Islamic concepts, Islamic ritual and law, technical terms related to hadith, hajj, philosophy, Sufism, hagiolatry, and pilgrimage. The dictionary also includes proper nouns relating to names and epithets of God and prophets, as well as those relating to specific religious locales central to the Islamic faith and names of the suras of the Qur’an. The dictionary is based on material from sources dated 1985 and later. 2002, 400 pages, hardbound.