ASL  |  Arabic  |  Chinese  |  ESL  |  French  |  German  |  Italian  |  Hebrew  |  Japanese  |  Korean  |  Spanish  |  Turkish  |  All Languages
  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!

Learning Software

Vocabulary Builder from EuroTalk for Tagalog (for absolute beginners)
Vocabulary Builder is an interactive flash card system for parents and teachers to help teach basic language, and for children to play games and record their own words and sentences. Help is provided in over 40 languages by a talented talking tiger! Now available for learning Albanian, Arabic, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh. Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM.
Special: Was $49.95 - now $25!
More about Vocabulary Builder...

Bilingual Children's Books for Tagalog
These dual-language books are offered in over 40 languages, including both popular and less commonly taught languages. The stories are innovative and creative while teaching children about other cultures and traditions. The beautiful illustrations in the books and posters celebrate the diversity in our communities. These products have been consistently well reviewed in respected review publications and have won prestigious awards. Providing your children with exposure to other languages and cultures at an early age is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Among the most important benefits is that children will gain an ability to understand and communicate with people from different cultures and countries.