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  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!

Pushu Translation Jobs

Mission EP is currently searching for Pashto linguists that are United States citizens to hire for the Department of Defense (DOD) to help the military in re-building Afghanistan. The pay will be $210,000 a year. If you are interested, contact us at

Courses and Reference

Pimsleur Comprehensive Pashto Course
This is a state-of-the-art language learning course for spoken Pashto. The popular Pimsleur course does not use a book but uses a completely aural approach to language learning, perfect for learning quickly. The course features a proficiency-based system that helps the student learn through listening and speaking practice. 16 CDs. Shipping weight 3 lbs.
CD version
Retail Price $345 - Our Price $199 (You Save $146)

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Pashto Newspaper Reader
MRM, Inc. Staff
These fifty newspaper selections provide the intermediate student of Pashto with a representative sampling of newspaper articles, accompanied by a body of suitable lexical and grammatical aids aimed at assisting comprehension and bridging the gap between elementary Pashto and the complexities of formal journalistic style. With audio recordings of the articles read by a native speaker. 1984, 246 pages, hardbound.
Book and 3 cassettes
Book and 3 CDs

English Pushtu Dictionary: The Pushtu Academy's Larger Pushto Dictionary
A Bilingual Dictionary of the of the Pakhto, Pushto, Pukhto Pashtoe, Pashtu, Pushtu, Pushtoo, Pathan, or Afghan language
This is not only a bi-lingual dictionary but the definitive tome on the Pushtu language. The 828 page dictionary is a blockbuster, that can be used by beginners and advanced users alike. The dictionary is in the Arabic and English script. This dictionary was compiled by Noor Mohammed Taraki and others at the Pashto Academy Kabul under the direction of the Academy's director general Abdur Raof Benawa. The team, at the forefront of language research, focused on Pashto as it is used today, their work became the largest language research project by the Academy. Over 828 pages of definitions in large format were compiled over years. The end result of the project was the publication of the most comprehensive bi-lingual dictionary of the Pashto language. Later Taraki became president of Afghanistan and introduced Marxist reforms. This great dictionary sadly went out of print during the subsequent Afghan wars. With the appointment of Hamid Karzai as the new president along with democratic government the dictionary has now been published in its new updated format.
"The finest scholarly reference work available for studying Pushtu. This dictionary retains its reputation as the single best reference work for use when studying the Pashto language" - Telegraph Online
"This dictionary has enough information to be useful for even the most learned Pashto linguist" - Dost Mohmmad Prof Kabul University

A Handbook of Pashto Verbal Conjugation
Naseer Hoonar Pashtoon, Zeeya A. Pashtoon
This book contains conjugation of 300 common Pashto verbs. The verbs are conjugated in twenty major categories. A brief description of the conjugation system for Pashto is also included. 2006, 625 pages, hardbound.

A Dictionary of the Pukhto, Pushto, or Language of the Afghans
by Capt H.G. Raverty
This comprehensive hardback Pushtu to English dictionary has over 1100 pages. Each Pushtu word is written in Pushtu script then and romanized, with definitions and easy to read printing. The first of this kind, this dictionary was first published in 1860. Its compiler and editor spent over 12 years researching into lexicographical works existing on the Pushto language, which was often regarded as a colloquial language. Merit of this publication lies in that Pushto words have been romanised with meanings in English. The Pushto, or language of the Afghans, is written in the 'maskh' character of Arabic, which is of the same general use amongst the Arabs as the Roman in Europe. It succeeded the Kufik in which the Kor'an was first written; and is considered to have been invented in the third century of the Hijrah by Ibn Koklah, who was minister to the Khalifs of Baghdad. The peculiarities of the Pushto verbs and pronouns together with some other characteristics, would seem to indicate that it is a peculiar and very ancient original language, different from any other known tongue. Captain Raverty has thrown considerable light upon this ancient and unique language which had not received the attention it deserved from Oriental scholars, and also greatly neglected by the Afghans themselves.

A Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto, or Language of the Afghans
H.G. Raverty
A grammar of Pushto by H.G. Raverty, the author of the comprehensive dictionary of Pushtu. H.G.Raverty was a Captain in the 3rd Regiment , Bombay , and spent over 12 years in researching for this dictionary. He also authored another landmark book on the Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto. 1987, 205 pages.