Vocabulary Builder from EuroTalk for Papiamento
( for absolute beginners)
Vocabulary Builder is an interactive flash card system for parents and teachers to help teach basic language, and for children to play games and record their own words and sentences. Help is provided in over 40 languages by a talented talking tiger! Now available for learning Albanian, Arabic, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh. Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM.
EuroTalk Network Editions
Now you can run Vocabulary Builder, Talk Now!, World Talk, and Movie Talk through your school or college CD server or CD tower for simultaneous use of these titles on your network! You'll have access to permanent reports for all the activities done by each student in the class for such things as time and sessions spent on each activity, scores in the quizzes and games. These network discs operate on most networks that are in common use in schools and colleges, such as NT, Novell, and Macintosh networks. Students can select their names from classes, and run the program currently assigned to that class, and students may optionally also be allowed to join classes. Teachers can see at a glance which students are currently logged on and what they are doing, and they can add students to classes, remove them, or move them around. A reports facility allows you to display or print reports for entire classes, or for individual students. Student reports show the number of sessions, the time spent on each activity, and scores in the quizzes and games, and times and scores can also be displayed in chart form. The prices are highly competitive, and the price per unit goes down dramatically as one goes up in the number of users and units. With a configuration of 100 users and 100 units, which goes for $9,995, you pay less than $1 per unit per person!