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Online Dictionaries - Lithuanian Dictionaries

Online Dictionaries From Around The World!
Presented here is a collection of pages with links to online dictionaries in languages from all over the world, including monolingual online dictionaries, bilingual online dictionaries, online technical and specialty dictionaries, and online translation engines and hyper-dictionaries. If you find any of the links dead and you want to notify us, or if you have recommendations for another dictionary to add to the site, contact us by email at

Lithuanian, Lithuanian-English Dictionaries and Other Languages | Online Dictionaries Main Index

  Lithuanian, Lithuanian-English Dictionaries and Other Languages

Lithuanian-English Dictionary - Small alphabetically indexed HTML Lithuanian-English dictionary, suitable for language learners;
English-Lithuanian Dictionary - Small HTML English-Lithuanian dictionary, suitable for language learners; counterpart to the dictionary above.
Lithuanian-English Dictionary - Online Lithuanian-English and English-Lithuanian dictionaries.
Dictionnaire Francais-Lithuanien - Online French-Lithuanian dictionary.
Lithuanian-German Dictionary - Online Lithuanian-German and German-Lithuanian dictionaries.
Lithuanian-German Dictionary - Small alphabetically indexed HTML Lithuanian-German dictionary, suitable for language learners.
German-Lithuanian Dictionary - Small HTML German-Lithuanian dictionary, suitable for language learners; counterpart to the dictionary above.
Lithuanian-Russian Dictionary - Online Lithuanian-Russian dictionary.
Lietpol Lithuanian-Polish Dictionary - Online bilingual Lithuanian-Polish dictionary. Lithuanian Dictionaries - A free Lithuanian bilingual dictionary for many languages. Browsable online, with word searches, and downloadable data files.

  Technical Dictionaries

Encyclopaedic Glossary of Astronomy - Astronomical terms in Lithuanian, with over 2200 terms.
Dictionary of Physics Terms - Physics terms in five languages (Lithuanian, English, French, German and Russian), with over 19,000 terms.
Multilingual Dictionary of Mathematics and Informatics - Multilingual (Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, English, French, German, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Bulgarian) of mathematics and informatics.
English-Lithuanian Dictionary of Computer Science Terms - With over 7000 definitions.
Dictionary of Radionics Terms - Radionics terms in five languages (Lithuanian, English, French, German and Russian), with over 22,000 terms.
Dictionary of Building Terms - Short Lithuanian-English dictionary of terms in the construction industry.