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Albanian Newspapers Online

Online Newspapers From All Over The World!
Welcome to our online newspaper pages, featuring online news, magazines, journals and other electronic print formats from countries all over the world! If you have any questions or can't find what you need, please e-mail us at .

For those who are learning a new language, or those who want to brush up their skills in French or Russian or any other language, or perhaps merely want to keep them from eroding, the availability of texts in another language is a prerequisite. Online newspapers fulfill this need in particularly useful manner, for they present modern prose with a moderately sized vocabulary, easy enough to read for the beginner and intermediate student, but still presenting the occasional new words that will enhance and stretch the knowledge of the novice. While online newspapers only present one direction of communication, and don't stimulate the ability to speak and express oneself, they do strongly support and improve reading comprehension, knowledge of language structure, and the acquisition of vocabulary. It's a lot easier to learn a language this way, when you're actually interested in exploring what is before you, so make reading the online news a ritual like reading the morning daily, perhaps also with coffee and in Danish!

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24 Ore
Albanian Daily News  English
Albanian Telegraphic Agency  English
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