Children love the Muzzy series! Muzzy uses a natural approach with the lessons in the target language, so that the child learns easily and naturally. Parents report that their children want to watch it all the time, and teachers say that their students concentrate on learning with the series and quickly master phrases and sentence structure. Each course includes five DVDs, an audio CD with songs, a student book, and a special bonus CD-ROM (for PC), and the course comes packaged in a sturdy case. Available for English (ESL), Italian, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish.
Learning is Fun with Muzzy!
Since its debut, Muzzy's unique method has introduced millions of children in over 100 countries to a second language and is the most respected children's language course in the world. Starting early is a lifetime advantage. The benefits of an early start go far beyond the ease of acquisition. In addition to enhancing problem-solving skills and creativity, experts from Dartmouth College also have shown that learning additional languages early in life may assist in the development of greater critical thinking skills and a "cognitive edge." Bilingual children consistently perform higher on standardized testing such as the SAT. Experts say early language learning enriches overall mental development, including improved memory and better cognitive and listening skills.
Children love learning languages!
This acclaimed BBC language course uses the award-winning video character Muzzy, compelling stories and delightful songs to bring language to life. It's fun and it works. Almost like magic, the proven "see-listen-and-learn" technique engages kids' natural ability to learn languages.
How Muzzy Works
Right now with no teaching required, your child has the natural ability to start speaking a foreign language. Early exposure to a language – any language – triggers this inborn talent. Muzzy follows national foreign language standards which emphasize the use of functional language, repetition and "spiraling." In Muzzy, words and concepts are first introduced, and then introduced again and again in many new contexts.
A simple methodology that's a proven success
Muzzy's multisensory teaching technique appeals to all types of learners. The more ways in which your child is engaged with Muzzy, the more quickly and naturally your child absorbs the new language. Muzzy employs a natural immersion approach, surrounding learners with visual, aural and contextual language, modeled on the way we learned our first language. Muzzy's multi-sensory, multi-layered communication works powerfully with all new learners. The unique Muzzy design is effective for visual/spatial, verbal, kinesthetic, musical and logical/mathematic learners.
Muzzy is designed for how children learn best
Animated stories and engaging music surround the viewer with a second language. New vocabulary and usuage are presented within a suspenseful and humorous dramatic story. The Muzzy animated story DVDs immerse your child in the language until speaking it is almost unavoidable. For ANY new language, children naturally absorb sounds, words, and phrases as their vocabulary and comprehension grow. Supporting Muzzy's immersion DVDs is a colorful scriptbook and audio CD with all the irresistible catchy Muzzy stories and songs. Also included is a Vocabulary Builder DVD to reinforce and extend your child's budding conversation skills.
Topics covered include:
- Greetings
- Numbers
- Shapes
- Colors
- Clothing
- People
- House & Home
- School
- Transportation
- Parts of the Body
- Days, months, and seasons
- And much, much more! Hundreds of Words & Phrases!
The book is well done with color illustrations and has dialogue from the videos. The DVD has conversational dialogue in the target language, songs in the language and the script from the videos, and also great sound effects!
In Muzzy, each lesson serves as the foundation for the next; building on the words and concepts that your child just previously learned.

In the first garden scene the King introduces the viewer to the peach tree.

Building on the first introduction, the word is repeated in a different context as Sylvia asks for a peach.

The building continues. Muzzy converses with the fruit vendor about peaches, plums and grapes.

Here Bob, the King and Queen's gardener, counts trees in Spanish. The Muzzy program works with, and without, subtitles for easy parent reference.