Your preview of the ¡Habla!® Video/Audio Spanish course continues here with the table of contents of the course and screen shots from the eight 90 minute video cassettes included with the course. We hope that you enjoy this and will agree that ¡Habla!® is the best quality and value Spanish course available. Again, you get: eight 90 minute videos, 15 audio cassettes, 4 workbooks.
New! Check out our ¡Habla!® video page, with actual video clips from the ¡Habla!® program, as well as an interview with an ¡Habla!® user.
Method of Teaching - How does the video tutor program work?
Basic Sentences and Note-Grammar explanations and Exercises; Conversational Narratives and Dialogues; Common Expressions; Modmismos Modernos; Culture and Etiquette
How does the Audio Cassettes Reinforcement Program Work?
Cognates/Accents/Pronunciation/Abbreviations and Study Tips
Basic Sentences Useful Phrases Meeting and Greeting;
Pronunciation Rules- Vowels and Dipthongs
Common Expressions-Modismos Modernos Bueno, Andele, Verdad/De veras
Culture and Etiquette Meeting and Greeting; Music Fray Felipe
Basic Sentences- Useful Phrases
Numbers Counting
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Esto and Eso
Pronunciation Rules Consonants
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Que pena. Mande Usted Que hay de bueno/nuevo
Culture and Etiquette Regions in Latin America
Basic Sentences Arriving at a Hotel
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Gender in nouns and adjectives
Conversation Narratives and Dialogues
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Buen provecho! Que bueno! Dar las Gracias
Culture and Etiquette Concept of Time
Basic Sentences Taxi Trip
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Singular and plural Nouns and Adjectives, Irregular verb Estar
Culture and Etiquette At the Office Business Etiquette
Basic Sentences First Day of Work
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Ser vs. Estar, Telling Time
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Ida y vuelta, Poner la mesa, En punto
Culture and Etiquette Modes of Dress; Music La Cucaracha
Basic Sentences Lunch in a Restaurant
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Present Tense "AR" Verbs, Esta(n) vs Hay
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Dar una vuelta, De pies a cabeza, Dar se de baja,
Culture and Etiquette- Meals in Latin America
Basic Sentences Looking for an Apartment
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Present Tense "ER" Verbs, The demonstratives Este, Ese y Aguel
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Por el Manos/al Menos. Hasta la fecha, En broma
Culture and Etiquette A Culinary Journey through Latin America
Basic Sentences Discussing the Neighbors Apartment
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Past Tense "IR" Verbs, Contractions Al y Del
Grammar Review Noun/Adjective Agreement
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Por Poco, Hacer caso a, Por si acaso
Culture and Etiquette The Role of Arts in Latin America
Basic Sentences Visiting a Friends Apartment
Grammar Explanation and Exercises The irregular Verb Haber, The "DO" Present Perfect Tense, Possessives
Grammar Review Adjectives Positions
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos - A carta cabal, Estar de moda, Lo de Manos
Culture and Etiquette Romance, Marriage and Family in Latin America
Basic Sentences Moving and Laundry
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Direct Objects, The Personal Preposition "A", Direct Object Pronouns, New Ways to Use "-DO" Forms
Grammar Review - Present Tense AR, ER, and IR Verbs
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos De Todas Modos/De todas maneras, Parece mentira, Mientras tanto
Culture and Etiquette The Art of Conversation, Latin American Style
Basic Sentences Interviewing a Maid
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Descriptive Possessive Adjectives, Forming Negative phrases With "no"
Grammar Review Some and Any
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Estar de acuerdo, A cada rato, Hacerse ilusiones
Culture and Etiquette Domestic Help in Latin American Music Cielito Lindo
Basic Sentences Getting Ready to Go Out
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Subject Pronouns, pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Grammar Review Adjective Agreement Conversation Narratives and Dialogues
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos - de Ahora en Adelante, Ganarse la Vida, Voy a Consultar con la almohada
Culture and Etiquette Basic Utilities in Latin America; Music Las Mananitas
Basic Sentences Going to a Party
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Present Progressive Tense, Possesive Phrases with DE Possessive Which act like nouns
Grammar Review Negative Phrases
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Pasar un buen rato, A fondo, En metalico/En efectivo
Culture and Etiquette Celebrations and Parties in Latin America
Basic Sentences Anticipating the Arrival of a Family
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Present Tense Irregular Verbs IR, DAR and VER, Expressing future actions using IR, The Personal Preposition "A"
Grammar Review- Present Perfect Tense
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Cuentas claras conservan amistades, Hijole!
Culture and Etiquette Traveling in Latin America
Basic Sentences Going Through Customs
Grammar Explanation and Exercises Indirect Object Pronouns, Review of Possessive phrases
Common Expressions Modismos Modernos Para nada, De ningun modo, En ningun momento, Hacer buenas migas, Con/De mil amores
Culture and Etiquette Crossing Borders in Latin American Music De Colores; Reading List