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Getting Along In Japanese

Getting Along In Japanese

Getting Along In Japanese
Getting Along In Japanese (Nihongo de kurasoo) is a new video series which presents the Japanese language through familiar daily situations. The setting is a traditional Japanese inn where the hosts teach their guests to communicate using practical and current expressions. Hosts Katsuya Kobayashi and Kaori Itakura introduce Japanese through carefully dramatized skits designed to help beginning students learn to cope with everyday life in modern Japan. Getting Along In Japanese is the first language series produced by NHK Educational Corporation to be made available for teachers and students across North America.
Starting at $125

Getting Along in Japanese  -   Pricing

Getting Along In Japanese

Getting Along In Japanese (Nihongo de kurasoo) is a new video series which presents the Japanese language through familiar daily situations. The target learners of this language series are people with little or no knowledge of Japanese - viewers are not overwhelmed by overcomplex grammar constructions or "kanji" characters that would be of little practical use on arrival in Japan. The setting is a traditional Japanese inn where the hosts teach their guests to communicate using practical and current expressions. Renowned Japanese DJ Katsuya Kobayashi and his daughter Kaori Itakura introduce Japanese through carefully dramatized skits designed to help beginning students learn to cope with everyday life in modern Japan. The acting is engaging and warm, with an emphasis on light-hearted humor. Each video focuses on a specific situation that is common in everyday life, especially for foreigners visiting or living in Japan, and helps the student navigate both through the language and the cultural etiquette involved. Getting Along In Japanese is the first language series produced by NHK Educational Corporation to be made available for teachers and students across North America.

Getting Along In Japanese comes in ten videos, (VHS; 30 minutes; in color) with the following topics:

  • 1. Going Shopping
  • 2. Asking the Way
  • 3. Taking the Train and Bus
  • 4. Getting Along with Neighbours
  • 5. Going Out to Eat
  • 6. At a Restaurant
  • 7. Visiting a Japanese Home
  • 8. Preparing a Meal
  • 9. Coping with a Misunderstanding
  • 10. A Wedding Ceremony


Getting Along In Japanese Video Series
Each video is in VHS format in color, and runs approximately 30 minutes.
$125 each     

Getting Along In Japanese Book

Getting Along In Japanese - Entire Series
Comes with ten videos and a book.