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Contents of German 2

Contents for:   German 1 | German 3

UNIT 7  
Basic Sentences: Beim Etarichten 163
Numbers 101-1000 170
Footnotes to the Basic Sentences 170
Notes on Pronunciation:  
    A. Vowels in Syllables Not Having Primary Stress 171
    B. Review 171
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Adjectives - The Adjective-Noun Sequence 172
    B. An Irregular Adjective - hoch 175
    C. Summary of Two-Way Prepositions 175
    D. Verbs. legen, liegen, stehen, and stellen 176
    E: Verbs. Review of Present 177
Substitution Drill  
    Part I 178
    Part II 179
    Part III 181
Variation Drill 182
Vocabulary Drill 185
Translation Drill 188
Response Drill 189
Conversation Practice 190
Situations 191
Narrative 191
Finder List 192
UNIT 8  
Basic Sentences: Beim Einkaufen 195
Footnotes to the Basic Sentences 201
Notes on Pronunciation:  
    A. German nv and nk 201
    B. Final -b, -d and -s 202
    C. Final -m and -n 202
    D. Unstressed Final -en 202
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Specifiers and Adjectives 203
    B. Adjectives with Dative 205
    C. Word Order 205
    D. Compound Nouns 207
Substitution Drill 209
Transformation Drill 215
Variation Drill 217
Vocabulary Drill 220
Translation Drill 222
Response Drill 224
Conversation Practice 225
Situations 225
Narrative 226
UNIT 9  
Basic Sentences: EineFahrt in die Beige 229
Footnotes to the Basic Sentences 234
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 235
    B. Quantity Adjectives 237
    C. Verbs. the Future Phrase 238
    D. Specifiers: jafer 239
    E. Time Expressions 239
Substitution Drill  
    Part I 240
    Part II 241
Conversion Drill 243
Variation Drill 244
Vocabulary Drill 247
Translation Drill 249
Response Drill 250
Conversation Practice 251
Situations 252
    I 252
    II 253
Finder List 253
UNIT 10  
Basic Sentences: Im Gasthof Zum Weissen Hirsch 261
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Word Order in Larger Sentences 262
    B. Ordinal Numerals 264
    C. Prepositions with the Genitive 265
    D. Telling Time 266
    E. The Superlative Stem Meist- 267
Substitution Drill 268
Conversion Drill  
    Part I 269
    Part II 270
    Part II 270
    Part IV 270
Variation Drill 271
Vocabulary Drill 273
Translation Drill 275
Response Drill 277
Conversation Practice 278
Situations 278
Narrative 279
Finder List 279
UNIT 11  
Basic Sentences: Ein Wochentag 281
Footnotes to the Basic Sentences 286
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Verb Forms in Familiar Speech 287
    B. Pronouns and Possessive Words in Familiar Speech 289
    C. The Auxiliary Verb Lassen 290
    D. Complex Verb Phrases 290
    E. Derivative Nouns 291
Substitution Drill 293
Conversion Drill 294
Variation Drill 298
Vocabulary Drill 301
Translation Drill 302
Response Drill 304
Conversation Practice 305
Situations 306
Narrative 306
Finder List 307
UNIT 12  
Basic Sentences: Auf einer Gesellschaft 309
Footnotes to the Basic Sentences 315
Notes on Grammar:  
    A. Verbs. Past Time 315
    B. Verbs. The Perfect Phrase 316
    C. Verbs. Past Participle Forms 317
    D. Verbs. Past Time Continuing in the Present 318
    E. Time Expressions 319
Substitution Drill 320
Conversion Drill 321
Variation Drill 322
Vocabulary Drill 325
Translation Drill 327
Response Drill 329
Conversation Practice 330
Situations 331
Narrative 332
Finder List 332