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ESL Idioms

Street Speak for English
Anyone visiting or living in America is bound to encounter a confusing yet popular "inside" language used by the inhabitants: slang and idioms. This is an ever-changing, ever-evolving language that is like a code that segregates native from non-native speakers. The Street Speak series features two exciting volumes that cover all the idioms you need to know, and is suitable for Intermediate to Advanced students. These self-teaching guides on American slang are designed to teach you how to quickly understand the "inside" language that is used constantly in movies, books, magazines and everyday conversation, through dialogues, illustrations, pronunciation tips, word games and much more. This series is great for ESL students who want to know how Americans really speak!
Street Speak 1
Parties | Shopping | Movies | Airports | Restaurants | Health | Markets | At School | Dating
Book with 2 CDs | $69  
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Ebook in PDF format | $15.95  
MP3 Audio of the CDs | $15  
Street Speak 2
The Workplace | Shopping | Houseguests | Babysitting | Birthday Parties | The Subway | Aches & Pains | On the Telephone
Book with 2 CDs | $69  
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Ebook in PDF format | $15.95  
MP3 Audio of the CDs | $15  
Street Speak 3
Dating & Relationships | Emergency Situations | Television & Entertainment | Teens & Students (Jr. High - University) | Being Politically Correct | Sports (Popular terms used in daily conversations) | Foreign Words that Americans Used Every Day | Alliterations & Repeating Words
Book with 2 CDs | $69  
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Ebook in PDF format | $15.95  
MP3 Audio of the CDs | $15  
More about The Slangman Series...

Biz Speak for English
Even after learning everyday idioms and slang, the business traveler is faced with an additional obstacle which must be conquered in order to transact business effectively in America. Biz Speak presents some of the most prevalent business slang terms and jargon which have infiltrated just about every professional and business situation. Without an understanding of this type of lingo, any non-native speaker conducting business in America is at a great disadvantage, especially during important meetings and negotations where it is common to hear expressions like: "to stonewall, brainstorm, table a discussion, have the floor, etc". The exercises and glossaries included will teach you to speak like a native.
Biz Speak 2
The Workplace | International Trade | Sports Terms Used in Business | Business Travel | International Trade & Shipping | Globalization | "Bureaucratese" | Politics
Ebook in PDF format | $15.95  
MP3 Audio of the CDs | $15  
More about The Slangman Series...