hbo quotes

Hannah’s arrival in Iowa is the focus of this episode. The landing is smooth: Hannah scores a house to live in for a fraction of New York rent and a snazzy new bike that she doesn’t have to lock because “this is Iowa.” A video chat with Marnie reveals that Hannah and Adam don’t seem to be on speaking terms, but Marnie promises to let her know if he goes into the hospital, (because Marnie would definitely be the first on he’d call?). Cracks in Hannah’s Midwestern paradise soon begin to show. She is forced to escape her suburban fortress when the prior tenant, which happens to be a very aggressive bat, shows up angry. She gets locked out but climbs in through an unlocked window because, you know, this is Iowa. But Hannah’s here to write, and what better place to find self affirmation than a graduate level fiction course? Many other places, as Hannah learns. She shares an excerpt detailing an interesting, “50-shades” type sexual encounter, and she is offended by her classmate’s critique. She invents some friends — Shannon, Jeff, Jonesly, Ranchini, Nagasaki and Cher — and wallows until a surprise visit from Elijah. The two hit the town hard. Hannah counsels weepy undergraduates and Elijah offers massages. They wake up the next morning covered in dried blue paint, because, you know, this is Iowa.


Episode 3: “Female Author”

In true Hannah-fashion, Hannah is already bored of graduate school and her slow schedule of only one class a week. While Elijah is keeping her company with college parties and hugs, Hannah is still missing Adam. Adam, however, has his own stuff to figure out after he and Jessa get arrested because she urinates on the street in broad daylight. Ray, who has stepped up as the father-figure of the group, bails them out and reprimands them. The entire encounter reminds Adam that Jessa is a bad influence. Ray saves the day again when he talks some sense into Marnie and reminds her she shouldn’t be anyone’s mistress. After an encouraging meeting with a record label about Marnie and Desi’s music, Marnie confronts him about their affair. While nothing is really solved between the two, Marnie seems relieved to finally stand up for herself. Hannah gives an impassioned speech to her entire writing class about being honest with one another. Sadly, her preaching came across more rude than honest and only turned her classmates against her even more.