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Best Ares Quotes


Best Ares Quotes

I just thought you should know…that if anyone here…dares to interfere with true justice…including you my champion…I’ll personally send you — and all your sons and daughters — straight down to uncle Pluto’s dark domain. Quote2
–Ares (Earth-616)

If you want someone to obey your orders, you should have sent a soldier…NOT A GOD! Quote2
–Ares (Earth-616)

Look around at the terror in their eyes. You taught these cursed mortals to dread the strife in which they revel. Now. ‘Til I call on you again…go in peace…my champion. Quote2
–Ares (Earth-616)

Recreants and bringers of chaos. You were warned and you did not heed. So weep!

The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That’s the dung my sister cares about. I’m the other God of War. Quote2
–Ares (Earth-616)

There is a line before me that demarcates where you stop being treated as citizens and start being treated as soldiers. It is a line that only I can see and I swear unto all of you — once you cross it you have declare war. Against your city, against your government…and against me. And make no mistake: I love to fight wars. Quote2
–Ares (Earth-616)

From this moment on, if you choose to act as a child…that is what you will be! And I will spank you like a child. But act as men, as noble men, and that is what you will be treated as. Quote2

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