David Oyelowo quotes and videos

David Oyelowo quotes and videos

David Oyelowo’s Oprah Impression

David Oyelowo’s Dad Mispronounces Oprah’s Name

Oprah and David Oyelowo on new civil rights film “Selma”

I would make the tea on a Daniel Day-Lewis set just to observe how he crafts roles like he did in ‘My Left Foot.’ That was the equivalent of seeing Haley’s Comet for me. I just couldn’t understand how that was possible.
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Getting to do what I think was my fifth BBC drama with Nikki Amuka-Bird – we’ve done ‘Shoot The Messenger,’ ‘Five Days,’ ‘The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency,’ ‘Born Equal’ and now ‘Small Island’ – was another highlight for me. And filming in Jamaica was great, too.
David Oyelowo

It’s fascinating to work with a company of actors of such different ages, experience and talents. I’m one of a generation brought up on television whose acting is more ‘naturalistic’, whereas with some of the older generation it’s more heightened. But I think there’s room for both styles.

One of the things I have an allergic reaction to playing, especially as a black actor, is the mandatory kind of best friend/cop/detective type. You will never see me in that movie.
David Oyelowo

I think until Britain acknowledges just how much of a presence black people had here before the Sixties, then there are certain stories that are not going to be inclusive of what I have to offer.
David Oyelowo

We can’t afford to deny our past in a bid to be empowered. But what we can do is contextualize the past.
David Oyelowo

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