Best Rob Van Dam quotes

"When these people pay to watch Rob Van Dam, they know they get their money’s worth. And Rob Van Dam didn’t kick enough *ss in three minutes, so Jerry, let’s give ’em their money’s worth. Come on in here and let me kick your *ss some more!"

"Sabu, I heard what the ring announcer said, but tonight, it’s not enough for the student to beat the teacher. It’s not even enough tonight that I leave the World Television Champion. Tonight, between you and me, there’s something different, Sabu. Tonight, what I need to be happy is I need to beat your f*ck*ng *ss. I know I can do it in five more minutes."

"This title is a very prestigious title, but I suppose if I wore the TV title and the world heavyweight title belts down to the ring, I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad, because we all know I can already wear two belts at a time."

"And I think I’m going to have to step up and put him in his place, ’cause I can’t let him run off at the mouth or let him feel too good about himself. I mean, how can you not feel bad being all broken up and scarred up, and then you have a partner that steals the limelight like Rob Van Dam? But at the same time, he has been getting a little out of hand lately."

"You knew then, just like you know now, the spotlight’s always shone brightly on Rob Van Dam."

"I’m the Whole F*ck*ng Show, Mr. Pay-Per-View, and the Sheik’s favorite wrestler."

"Rob Van Dam, Taz. The top man in the company, even when you were the champion."

"Take a look at what you’re up against. And I know you’ve been watchin’ me in the ring, and you’re impressed and jealous just like everybody else, but look at what the critics are saying about me, Taz. They’re calling me the best wrestler in the whole f*ck*ng world."

"Add this factor to the equation, Taz: I really want to beat your *ss. I’m lookin’ forward to it. Survive if I let you, Taz, against Rob Van Dam, the Whole F*ck*ng Show."

"Let me tell you something. Rob Van Dam does what he wants. I’m Mr. Pay-Per-View. I’m the World Television Champion. And I’ve got enough pull around here to do what I want."

"You’ve got Rob Van Dam at the pay-per-view. That’s right, Rob Van Dam. That’s the name all of your fans have been chanting for the past two years. While Rob Van Dam has been carrying the World Television Title, not to mention carrying this whole f*ck*ng company at the same time you were the World Heavyweight Champion."

"I’m more popular than everybody, I’m Rob Van Dam."

"And this match means so much to me, I plan on gettin’ in a few extra hits."

"You’re in the ring not just with the World Television Champion, you’re not just fighting Mr. Pay-Per-View, no, you’ve got the Whole F*ck*ng Show to worry about, Taz."

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s World Television Title defense is dedicated to a very homicidal, very suicidal, very fragile, busted-legged, non-championship belt holding, b*st*rd ex-partner, good friend of Fonzie’s and last but not least, second favorite wrestler of the Sheik, Sabu. That’s right, brother, this one’s for you."

"You know, Sabu, when you and I were partners and I was carrying you through our Tag Team Championship reign, I never liked sharing the ring with you."

"And you gotta realize, when you keep coming back, I’m gonna keep beating your *ss. That’s what’s gonna happen."

"You think that you’re gonna take something from me that everyone in the world has been trying to take for nearly the past two years?."

"Now, Sabu, I wish that I could be giving you another shot at the World Television Title tonight, but, from what I’ve heard and from the looks of your leg, I don’t believe that you can even hobble down to the ring, much less get your *ss beat by RVD."

"So I’ll tell you what I’ll do, Sabu. Because I have such a big heart and because I feel so bad about that busted leg, here’s what I’m gonna do: I’m gonna…I’m gonna dedicate this match to you."

"That’s right, Fonzie, I know he’s p*ss*d. Why? What am I doing? I’m helping him out."

"Obviously tonight was another good night for Mr. Pay-Per-View."

"Difference is, I walked out a winner. That’s my key to success."

"I think you’re confusing my fans with that nonsense."

"Another successful pay-per-view carried by the world’s favorite superstar, Rob Van Dam. As a matter of fact, I’m carrying this company to national exposure."

"I know it bothers you that the student surpassed the teacher."

"Look at me, Jerry, these are vulnerable times for me."

"I’m Rob Van Dam, Mr. PPV…to you and everybody else, the Whole F*ck*ng Show."

"Not because I wanna disgrace you in front of your country. I’m not about that. And not because I wanna make you look bad in front of our country. Hell, that’s what I’ve got Fonzie for."

"And when Rob Van Dam does his best, I win."

"Every time I step into the ring, it’s just another chance to show everybody, even in Japan, why they call me the Whole F*ck*ng Show."

"You’re good, but you’re not Rob Van Dam good."

"You see, I’m the best wrestler in the company."

"After getting a chance to get in the ring with Mr. Monday Night, and getting your *ss kicked, I’ll give you the chance to shake my hand."

"Scorpio, this was a great experience for both of us, but obviously a better experience for Rob Van Dam."

"Okay. You can’t shake my hand, but I’ll shake yours."

"Of course not, Fonzie. There’s no way anybody is gonna stop Sabu from showing up at the pay-per-view to watch Rob Van Dam kick Jerry Lynn’s *ss."

"Jerry, how convienent. You’re gonna come after me now when I’m obviously so down and distraught. My partner, my friend, banned all across the country, Jerry. I’m showing up at the arena with nobody to watch my back, nobody to carry my bags."

"I’ll try to pull it together. I’ll see if I can’t muster up the, uh, strength, and the courage, and the action-packed excitement that you’ve come to pay for and receive. I give it to ’em, Jerry."

"Rob Van Dam is no second-line anything!"

"Because, you see, Lance Storm, by beating you Rob Van Dam is worth more money here, and Rob Van Dam is now worth more money elsewhere."

Best Rob Van Dam quotes

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