Best Rene Zellweger quotes

In 1996 I got a phone call offering a role in Jerry Maguire and my family and friends were there in this little restaurant. I remember thinking quite tragically that I might never do that again. It wasn’t fear, just acknowledgement of this potential life change, and that I would lose that. I loved my friends where I worked and I was happy.
Best Rene Zellweger quotes
It’s so boring. It’s not martyrdom to change your body a little bit to play a girl you really want to play. I’d say that getting a funky haircut for a part is more traumatizing.

It saddens me every day when people come up and say, ‘OK, how did you lose that weight?’ I can’t speak about it because I am not an authority on weight loss. I am just not. I am not challenged with a medical situation that’s weight-related and that I need to pay attention to.

I learned how little in the way of material goods we really need, and how beautiful a simple life can be. In Romania people work with their hands every day, and you’ll see an 80- year-old woman still chopping wood because she’s been looking after herself all her life, and she still has the strength to do it.

My life has far exceeded what I might ever have dreamed of because I would never have been so bold as to dream that these things might happen to me.

I wanted to be self-sufficient, I wanted to take care of myself, and I wanted to learn. I wanted to travel, I wanted to see the world and have my eyes opened. I wanted to be consistently challenged and I knew I needed to be creative in some way. When I got my job in a bar and I could pay for my tuition and go on auditions and sometimes get jobs that I loved and pay my rent, I knew that I would be all right. That’s when my dreams came true, long before the telephone rang and someone said, ‘Come and meet Tom Cruise.’

Best Rene Zellweger quotes

Making movies is the best blue-collar job in the world. I spend 20-hour days with carpenters, electricians-all of us getting our hands dirty. Acting is only the art part.

I was always different in that I liked being by myself. Even in kindergarten, when we were told to line up and go to the playground, I didn’t feel like participating. I wasn’t naughty; I didn’t appreciate the line. Some of my best childhood memories are of being alone in my room-writing, reading books, listening to the Beatles, living in my mind. It’s always busy in there.

My goals for the year are to concentrate on doing a better job of managing my personal life, to do lots of cooking and to focus on my cat!

I’m an intensely private person. I think that personal shared experiences are precious and they’re not for sale. It diminishes the integrity of your relationships…your real relationships, when it’s just thrown out there for the people that you don’t have built-up mutual trust experiences with. And I know that’s really boring, but I guess it’s just where I come from. The thing I guess you learn as you get older, isn’t it, is that you just go ahead and get on with your life because; you know, what’s the alternative? And I always believe there’s something good there if you just pay attention.

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