Best Nicole Scherzinger quotes

I love a girl in her underwear, first of all. Secondly, I’ve been writing for them, so nicole scherzinger has been in my head for probably the past three months. There’s something that’s very humbling about being able to write for a powerhouse group like that. Probably the biggest influence that they’ve had on me is making me want to be a better writer for them.

I always feel like I’m rehearsing. I’m a workaholic. But youve got to let go and trust and enjoy! I’m a real perfectionist. Its probably my biggest disadvantage. But as long as I can go out there, trust in the work and just have fun, thats what matters.

Who doesn’t have an ugly day every now and then? Where you just don’t feel great inside, you know? But for me, when I wake up and I have those days, I try to focus my energy on other people.

I have these fans from Portugal and a couple of times they have travelled around the world to follow me, and one time they brought this Portuguese flag. They make me feel so special when they are holding up a huge flag of their country with my face and name on it. Its like Ive got my own country! Well, I have my own flag at least.

What happened? All I know is I gave 110% to that show. Everybody’s talking about it, they love me or hate me. But one thing you can’t say is I didn’t give it my all.
Best Nicole Scherzinger quotes
A great way to keep a romance alive in your relationship is to know how to cook a couple of your partners favorite meals. I make a really good lasagna, my mom taught me. I dont know many men who dont like lasagna.

I think the sexiest thing about a man is that hes confident. Sure, sometimes you meet someone and you see his appearance first, but then you get to know him, and he looks completely different to you. So ultimately I think its all about chemistry.

Girl power is about loving yourself and having confidence and strength from within, so even if youre not wearing a sexy outfit, you feel sexy. That sexy stuff just happened to be part of our wardrobe, and its fun. Not all of our wardrobe is like that, but it is part of the performance and the show. It takes a woman who knows herself to be able to work an outfit like that.

I most associate with the Hawaiian part. Thats where I was born. My family still live there. The best part of being Hawaiian is the food. I think its hard to find people who have Hawaiian in their blood. You dont hear of many people coming from Hawaii. But I find I represent my people.

I actually dont have a life anymore. All I do is dance and sleep when I can. Even then I dream about dancing. I dont know what else is happening with anything else in my life right now.

The word feminism has negative connotations for men. Rather, we are wanting to celebrate females and their confidence. There is no political agenda behind my work. I’m just trying to make music that makes me feel good and confident. We’ve got a cool message.

Marriage? Well, I’m only 30, but I want some time first before we do all the wedding stuff. Stop trying to marry me off! We’re both busy and very young, but I know that we’re a team. Team Lewis, and, yeah, it’s all great between us. I could not be happier and I think that he feels the same, well, I know he does.

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