Best Glee Quotes

Santana: Look, we may still be Cheerios, but neither of us ever gave Sue the set list.
Brittany: Well… I did. But I didn’t know what she was gonna do with it.
Santana: Okay, look… believe what you want, but no one’s forcing me to be here. And if you tell anyone this, I’ll deny it – but I like being in Glee Club. It’s the best part of my day, okay? I wasn’t gonna go and mess it up.

Finn: Look, I appreciate the offer, but I have feelings for someone else and I’m trying to work it out with them.
Santana: Who, Rachel? She’s dating Jesse.
Finn: No she’s not.
Santana: Please,she’s like a cat in heat. She talked about him yesterday and practically sprayed the choir room.

What difference does it make? Everyone knows my role here is to look hot.

Will Schuester: Guys, you know, it’s come to my attention that many of you haven’t been treating the young ladies of our group very nicely lately. You’re disrespectful, bullying, sexist, and, I hate to say it, misogynistic.

Finn Hudson: I have no idea what that means.

Brittany: When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a "misogynist"

Will Schuester: OK. First, of all my kids are doing Madonna. She’s public domain and there is nothing you can do about it. Secondly, enough with the hair jokes. Oh, by the way, how’s the Florence Henderson look working for you? Oh, maybe you should try a new setting on your FLOwbee!

Sue Sylvester: As Madonna once said, I’m tough, I’m ambitious and if that makes me a bitch, that’s what I am. Pretty sure she stole that line from Sue Sylvester. No, really. I said it first.

Rachel Berry: I don’t understand why you’re doing this.

Jesse St. James: Because when you love something, you’ve got to go for it. You’d never be with me completely if I was on the opposing team and I care about you more than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adrenaline for you.

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