Norwegian Dictionaries

Norwegian, Norwegian-English, and Other Dictionaries

LEXIN Norwegian Dictionaries The LEXIN dictionaries are the first web-based dictionaries that are made especially for immigrants in Norway. Contains dictionaries for Norwegian, Norwegian.English, Norwegian.Tamil, Norwegian-Kurdish (Kurmanji), and Norwegian-Kurdish. About 2,500 of the entries are illustrated, with links to the words they display.
Bokmalsordboka og Nynorskordboka – Online monolingual Norwegian dictionary with comprehensive definitions and word analysis.
TriTrans – Translate words between Spanish, English and Norwegian; If your keyboard does not have the special characters, it provides an interface to add them.
Freedict Norwegian-English and English -Norwegian Dictionary – Simple word translations without additional information. Norwegian Dictionaries – A collection of free Norwegian bilingual dictionaries for English, Czech, German, Italian, and Slovak. Browsable online, with word searches, and downloadable data files.
Skandinavisk Ordbok – Online dictionary that translates terms in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian to the other languages. Contains only terms that are not common to all three languages and create a barrier to mutual understanding; thus the lexical database contains only 3,000 terms. Multilingual Dictionary – Type in a Dutch word, and get translations into Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Papiamento.
Heinzelnissen German-Norwegian Dictionary – Online bilingual Norwegian-German dictionary.
Norwegian Documentation Project – List of resources for Norwegian lexicography and research.
Norwegian Grammar – Short grammar of Norwegian.
The Green Dictionary – Terms from food and environmental science, agriculture, forestry, etc. 28,400 English, German and Norwegian entries.
Words and Phrases in Insurance – Monolingual Norwegian dictionary of insurance terms, searchable, or with entire page view of dictionary.
Norwegian Rhyming Dictionary – Listing by vowel word ending.
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