Aphex Twin Music and Interviews

More creative than an airplane, glitchier than a Ford automobile, cooler than an ice cube, the UK producer Richard D. James music will inspire you to move think and sweat differently.

Aphex Twin – 1996 MTV Interview

Aphex Twin – Window Licker

Aphex Twin – Rubber Johnny music video

glitch (n.) Look up glitch at Dictionary.com
1962, American English, possibly from Yiddish glitsh “a slip,” from glitshn “to slip,” from German glitschen, and related gleiten “to glide” (see glide). Perhaps directly from German; it began as technical jargon in the argot of electronic hardware engineers, popularized and given a broader meaning by U.S. space program.

Aphex Twin – Vordhosbn

squarepusher / aphex twin / venetian snares – live drums.

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